“To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson.

How many times we heard somebody or ourselves say “I have no time” or “24 hours a day are not enough“? Way too many.
Well, 2016 arrives with a gift: it’s a leap year, therefore February will have 29 days!
An extra day could flow away just like the others, or we can make an opportunity out of it!
Just as the leap year serves to realign our artificial calendar to the natural year, we can use this extra day to realign ourselves to our values and what characterize us.
Just as the leap year serves to realign our artificial calendar to the natural year, we can use this extra day to realign ourselves to our values and what characterize us.
This initiative is by Amani Institute and iLEAP. The Amani Institute is slowly but powerfully changing the way we teach, so that it is among the 10 best “School for life” in the world.
Their program is #24more and is basically an invitation to stop and ask yourself:
Their program is #24more and is basically an invitation to stop and ask yourself:
What gives me meaning and fulfillment?
Why do I do what I do?
Am I living my values? And… what are they?
We invite you to use this extra day to look inward, explore questions around who you are, what keeps you grounded, and why you do what you do. And how your experiences of happiness, purpose and social impact intersect with your work and your personal life!
Program and main topics:
* What is ecotherapy
* Focus on your core being
* How do I become my true self?
* Turn purpose into impact!
* Learn playing quiz!
* More individual and group activities!
When: 28/02/2016, h. 16.00-17.30
Location: Nassauplein 15, 2585 EB Den Haag
(doorbell Daesch, second floor)
(doorbell Daesch, second floor)
Language: English.
Cost: € 10,50 per person (incl. thee, coffee and cookies).
Reimbursement is provided if the workshop is cancelled.
Participants: min 6, max 12
Reservation Is Necessary
Reservation Is Necessary
How to book? Check further in the page.

Reservation Is Necessary
How to book:
1. Transfer the price of the workshop on the following bank account before 26/02/2016 quoting invoice “Realign your life”.
Benino Argentieri
NL78 INGB 0679 7289 29
Benino Argentieri
NL78 INGB 0679 7289 29
2. Fill in this contact form, therefore I can confirm your transfer and send you the invoice.