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The restorative effects of outdoor excursions have been amply documented. There are many ecotherapy activities to let all these benefits arise.
Would you like to see how ecotherapy works? Book a free session with me.

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This is a great opportunity to:
* have a free introduction to ecopsychology
* explore topics related to ecotherapy
* spend some quality time in nature but close enough to your home
* discuss a problem, a difficulty with a specialist in a cosy environment
* feel how nature boosts your mood and changes your day!

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walking beach

walking nature

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Fill in the following form, I am going to contact you within 2 working days.

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How does it work?
I am going to call you within 2 working days, in the time(s) of the day you wrote available for you in the form. We’re going to fix an appointment. During the phone call, I am going to ask you a couple of questions about your preferences and needs.

How long does a session last?
Around 45 min.

What happens during a session?
We are going to experience how nature can help us in a difficult period of our life, how it can improve our mood, how it replenishes our energies. Moreover you are going to learn how to do it by yourself.

Can I come with a friend?
Yes, this session can be attended by up to two people.

What happens if the weatherman forecasts rain?
The Netherlands is unpredictable weather-wise. I always check the weather during our phone call and a couple of days before the meeting: some rain is never an issue, but if the conditions are particularly uncomfortable, the location will be close to a shelter, or indoors; or we can reschedule.

Are these sessions safe?
They are absolutely safe: always in an urban area, with phone service. I am going to make our time in nature as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

Are these sessions confidential and protected?
Absolutely yes, as normal practice for a psychologist.
