The source of human emotions

ArgentieriEcopsicologia, Senza categoriaLeave a Comment

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Human emotions are some of the most confusing and inexplicable “whatevers” that ever refuses to submit to rational analysis, yet they are what make us feel alive. Our feelings can help return us home to heal and rediscover our origins in the life force. Even those emotions that leave us lost, such as anger, sadness and guilt.

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Emotions just happen.

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Why we feel the way we do, what our feelings mean, how we whould cope with them, and what their purpose is remain largely unanswered questions despite psychological researches and years of analysis. Even when we label our feelings, assign causes, suggest how to act in response of them, they torment us, demonstrating how little control we have over our inner lives. We wake up in the morning planning our day, but we cannot decide “Gosh, I think I want to be depressed today”. Depression, just like happiness, anger, love, fear and all the rest just happen to us.
Consequently, many of us are seduced by control strategies that promise us mastery over our emotions. Make me feel better. Give me control. Get these feelings in my hand or out of my way. Despite all the pop psychology promises of self-help books, transcendetal meditation courses, Zen macrobiotic diet, none of us have the power to willfully direct our feeling existence.

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That is because our emotions are not entirely our own.

Experiences like sadness, joy, anxiety and contentment are natural and innate. Call it instinct, call it genetic heritage, they are part of our nature, and that nature is derived from the spirit of the life force.

When you experience your feelings, you are sensing the changes and energy of the life force within your own individual being. Emotions are energy in motion. Depression, for example, is one manifestation of our life energy, a manifestation that is deep, dark, slow, apathetic and which most of us consider unpleasant at best.

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Emotions are energy in motion.

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There are many analogous displays of depression in nature: the heaviness of a foggy day, the still swamp, the oppressive heat of a windless afternoon, the depth of winter, the dark of earliest morning, the dying plant or animal, the aftermath of a damaging storm – all are exhibition of the depressive quality of life’s many energies. The Earth doesn’t use the depressive aspect of life force in order to torment itself or its creatures. First of all, Earth is not fair: which means that it does nothing to be fair, just like it does nothing to be unfair: it just is, fairness is a a human construction. As is true with physical and chemical processes, emotional contrasts and opposites support and facilitate each other. Happiness, for instance, is dependent upon sadness. Like it or not, peaks require valleys.

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Human beings did not invent emotions. We merely labelled them. The wind, for example, is quite alive, it harbours moods: the angry tempest, the content calm, the loving warmth of a summer night’s breeze, and the depressing bite of the winter wind all reflect emotional character of natural processes. So human feelings reflect our participation in the larger emotional life of the planet.


adapted by Philip Sutton Chard, The Healing Earth.


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